Neuro Mastery

Become A Stress Coach With Biofeedback & Neurofeedback


Discover the non-clinical Stress and Anxiety Management Biofeedback training which will effectively help your client learn how to self-regulate physiological responses.

Long Lasting & Efficient Stress Management

This program is for you if…

What Makes Neuro Discovery Program Special?

Our program is built on two core pillars: awareness and training.

«Fake or Fact» brain in the head


We can identify stress responses and provide you with immediate feedback.

Through awareness, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of your unique stress triggers, enabling you to cultivate a mindful approach to stress management.

Data research and pen


With training, you’ll engage in scientifically proven exercises that will gradually rewire your brain’s stress response, leading to a healthier and more balanced mind.

Then guide you through tailored exercises and techniques designed to train your brain to respond more positively to stressors.

How Does Biofeedback Work For Stress Management?

Through the identification of the fundamental cause of stress, individuals are empowered to take charge of their own transformative journey.

The Neuro Discovery program utilizes a dual approach, comprising both physiological self-regulation tools and guidance in fostering self-awareness internally and externally.

By comprehending the various elements that contribute to stress within their lives, individuals are enabled to make informed decisions aimed at actively addressing and mitigating its effects.


1. Identifying cause

The real-time visual provide insights into clients' physiological responses to stress and anxiety. Clients can regulate their physiological responses: slowing down their breathing or reducing muscle tension, etc..

Critical Thinking

2. Behavioural Change

The visual feedback biofeedback devices provide can act as a reinforcement tool, as clients actively see how their efforts in self-regulation techniques impact their physiological responses.


3. Improved Performance

Measured physiological responses provide therapist information on optimal states of focus, relaxation, or activation. Clients can then use this to train, learn how to self-regulate and enter these optimal states.

Why Should I Invest In Biofeedback?

Biofeedback is an invaluable instrument for therapists as it affords instantaneous insight into an individual’s physiological reactions, thereby aiding in the acquisition of self-awareness and self-mastery over bodily functions.

This heightened consciousness and self-regulation ultimately foster superior stress management, alleviation of pain, augmented performance, and transformative behavioral modifications.

However, most notably, biofeedback fosters the establishment of a robust client-therapist alliance grounded in unwavering trust.

What’s Inside The Course

Click to see what each module is about

Module 1: Brainwaves theory

What you will learn: 

Motherhood Stress. Annoyed Black Mother Working On Computer With Baby At Home

What you will learn: 

What you will learn and practice: 



Invest in your future
540 per person
portrait Thipphavanh Deovan

The Power Of Biofeedback

I have been amazed by the incredible transformations that biofeedback has brought about. What began as a mere experiment, gradually turned into a powerful tool for change in my clients’ lives. The impact it had surpassed all my expectations.

Through biofeedback, I not only provided concrete evidence and objective feedback to my clients, but also helped them reconnect with reality and reignite their motivation. The impact of their exercises became undeniable, touching them on various levels and leaving a tangible difference.

The beauty of biofeedback lies in its accessibility to all. Whether you choose an affordable or a more expensive device, the results and positive impacts remain constant. It is a game-changer!

Today, I stand before you, sharing techniques that will empower you as a practitioner and elevate your practice to new heights. Embrace the power of biofeedback and witness the incredible changes it can bring to you and your clients. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together


Do You Need Additional Information?

I am sure I can help you so book your appointment to discuss together your needs and how this program can revolutionise your stress management practice.