Neuro Mastery

Singing Bowl

Consciousness Pitch Tuner

Singing Bowl - Researcher

Through my journey as both a Consciousness Trainer and a certified Sound Massage Therapist, I have been blessed to experience the profound benefits of sound on the body and mind. It all started 6 years ago when I received my first sound massage and was transported into a heightened state of meditation, trance, and Kundalini energy within just 10 minutes.

This truly mind-blowing experience ignited a fire within me to further explore the mechanics at play within my brain. With an open heart and curious mind, I dove deeper into the world of sound therapy and its profound effects on our overall well-being.

Now, as a practitioner and advocate of sound therapy, I am committed to sharing its transformative power with as many people as possible.

Whether you’re seeking deep relaxation, inner peace, or a pathway to spiritual growth, the power of sound can help guide you on your journey towards greater wholeness and joy.



Relaxation, Trance, Higher State of Consciousness

Study: The effect of Singing Bowls and Gong on state of consciousness during a sound massage


  • Compared a baseline recorded during relaxation with the recorded sound massage.
  • I used the Peter Hess Protocol
  • Various tibetan singing bowls (not limited to Peter Hess brand)

Measures: EEG, BVP, GSR

Subjects: 15 participants

Analysis: based on empirical data

1. Synchronous Brain and Relaxation

The present study reveals that the exposure to sound massage induces synchronization of brainwave patterns.

The results of this study hold significant implications as synchronisation is a critical factor that is directly associated with an array of cognitive and affective processes including perception, emotion, and behaviour.

Therefore, the findings testify to the potential of sound massage as an intervention that can promote coherence in cortical functioning and potentially have a positive impact on individuals’ psychological well-being. 

2. Hypnotic Trance

3. Brain Rhythm Coherence

The accompanying illustration portrays the Beta activity (indicated in yellow) engendering the progress of a consistent, sine-wave-like configuration similar to what can be perceived in the Heart Rate Variability trace when undertaking heart coherence breathwork.

The Beta waves, associated to consciousness, commenced harmonizing with the spiral-like resonance of the singing bowl and thus gave rise to the silky smooth sine-wave curve as demonstrated below.

Upon closer inspection, it can be discerned that Alpha, Theta, and Delta waves are imitating this pattern while oscillating at dissimilar amplitudes. The more robust the Beta signal, the more robust the other Frequencies, predominantly alpha, would become.

4. Higher State of Consciousness

The diagram presented herein exhibits the generation of Gamma frequencies (characterized by orange, pink and dark red hues) featuring an amplified intensity, thereby facilitating the emergence of Superconscious Mind patterns.

Findings from the scientific community suggest a correlation between gamma waves and occurrences of profound spiritual connections, lucid dreaming, experiential transcendence, lucid out-of-body phenomena, cognitive lucidity and focus, superior attentional faculties, accelerated learning, empathy, benevolence, and instances of spontaneous curative actions. Often observed in individuals considered to be masters of meditation, psychic individuals, and healers.


The impact of sound on matter has been a topic of exploration for many scientists and researchers. The effect of sound waves on different forms of matter, such as liquids, solids, and gases, has yielded interesting results. For instance, some studies have shown that sound vibrations can cause changes in the structure and properties of matter. Additionally, sound can be used in various practical applications such as in medicine, where ultrasound is often used for imaging and therapeutic purposes. 

1. Cymatics & Singing Bowl

When talking about Sound Massage and Sining Bowl, one must understand the principle of Cymatic.

Cymatics is a fascinating field of scientific exploration that concerns the study of sound waves and their impact on the environment. When sound is introduced to a solid or liquid surface, it creates a unique waveform pattern that can be observed and analyzed.

By utilizing advanced imaging techniques and equipment such as resonators, frequency generators, and sophisticated software, scientists are able to unveil the intricate details of these sound patterns and further their understanding of the physical properties of sound.

The study of cymatics has far-reaching implications for diverse fields such as engineering, physics, music theory, and biology. Its applications are both practical and theoretical, offering opportunities for innovation and discovery in numerous areas of research.

2. What happens when the Singing Bowl vibrates?

Imaged by John Stuart Reid with the Cymascope –

3. Why is it so important?

The human body consists predominantly of water, and as such, it is highly responsive to acoustic waves. When sound waves are generated and resonate in a vessel holding water, the resulting vibrations are propagated throughout the aqueous medium, inducing distinctive and beautiful patterns that can harmonize the body and promote a state of tranquility and mental clarity.

Therefore, it can be concluded that sound vibrations have a profound influence on the human organism due to the unique properties of water and its capacity to be modulated by sound.

Further research is necessary to elucidate the full extent of the physiological effects of sound waves on the human body and their potential applications in various therapeutic and wellness contexts.


Singing Bowl Known Benefits

Singing Bowls, despite their limited exposure to the general public, have been the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and research for over two decades.

Some interesting articles on Singing Bowl


The Science Behind The Mysticism

Thipphavanh’s presentation provides valuable insights into the impact of sound massage on clients’ relaxation and state of consciousness. Through careful observation, Thipphavanh has been able to identify the positive effects of vibration on her clients. These observations can help researchers and practitioners in the field of health and wellness understand the underlying mechanisms of sound massage and its potential therapeutic benefits in the field of consciousness. 

The data presented by Thipphavanh can be used to guide future studies and inform the development of evidence-based practices that promote relaxation, stress reduction, and overall well-being. By shedding light on the physiological and psychological processes behind sound massage, this presentation offers a compelling case for incorporating this technique into mainstream healthcare practices.

How Singing Bowl affects brainwaves and state of consciousness