Neuro Mastery

Nothing awakens the mind to its power and potential more than personal discovery and inner transformation.


Becoming aware of what was previously unknown or misunderstood makes us more conscious of who we are and what we want from life.


The result is tangible: the Awakened Mind makes us “more and more vividly aware of everyday reality,”

- The Institute of the Awakened Mind -


Shift your state of consciousness and Reach your potential!

The Neuro Mastery Training program offers a one-of-a-kind opportunity to enhance your mindset and consciousness through guided instruction and meditation. We start by helping you transition from a stressed state to a deeply relaxed and heightened state of awareness known as the Awakened Mind or High Performance Mind. This state is typically achieved by experienced meditators, artists, CEOs, researchers, healers, intuitives, and those who have mastered themselves and possess exceptional creativity and self-awareness.

This program incorporates cutting-edge neurofeedback technology, including EEG and the Vilistus Mind Mirror®, to deliver a truly transformative experience. We draw inspiration from the esteemed Institute of the Awakened Mind and combine it with alternative techniques such as EFT, Logosynthesis, Singing Bowls, and Shiatsu to create a program that guarantees remarkable results.

EEG Vilistus Mind Mirror, the perfect tool for therapists and researchers

The Vilistus Mind Mirror is an incredible technology that uses advanced biofeedback and neurofeedback techniques. It measures brainwave patterns in real-time on both hemispheres, allowing practitioners to help clients adjust their mental states to be more coherent, efficient, and productive. 

This tool also includes sensors for Galvanic Skin Response, Blood Volume Pulse, and Temperature, teaching clients to relax, regulate their physiology, and achieve deep meditative state.

The Vilistus Mind Mirror is not only a training tool but also a reflection of your brain’s functionality. It is considered one of the most effective ways to regulate your body and brain in a non-invasive manner. 

It is the perfect tool for consciousness trainers, therapists, psychologists, and researchers.

The Institute of the Awakened Mind

Discover the power of the Awakened Mind, a state of high performance and extraordinary potential. Developed by renowned consciousness pioneers, C. Maxwell Cade and Anna Wise, the Awakened Mind protocol is backed by over 50 years of solid research. Today, trained professionals around the world are carrying on this legacy.

Whether you desire to excel in music composition, leadership presentations, athletic achievements, healing, mediumship, or simply find serenity, the Awakened Mind offers a pathway to unlock your true potential. The Mind Mirror, a cutting-edge technology, allows for the measurement of brainwave patterns that are unique to the Institute of the Awakened Mind.

In the past, researchers focused solely on Alpha brainwaves, but the Awakened Mind practitioners understand the importance of exploring the interconnections between various brainwave categories, such as beta, theta, and delta. With their expertise and guidance, these highly trained professionals will support you in your transformative journey.

State of Consciousness Patterns

When analyzing brainwave frequencies, the amplitude and interrelationships between them produce unique patterns that have been organized into seven distinct categories. Presented below are a few illustrative examples.


Live in the Flow & Creativity

The High Performance Mind, also known as the Awakened Mind Pattern, is an incredible state of consciousness that can be achieved by anyone. It’s a continuous flow of awareness, where the mind is open to the world and can access different states of being. Imagine having the ability to be both clear-headed and creative, insightful yet empathetic, connected to your spirit while remaining grounded in reality. The High Performance Mind provides this perfect balance, allowing you to reach your full potential and experience true awakening. With this powerful tool, you can suddenly have those ‘aha’ moments, find solutions to any problem with ease, and become the best version of yourself. 

Ordinary Consciousness

The typical waking consciousness is characterized by a predominant presence of Beta wave activity, which is indicative of heightened analytical and logical thinking and quite often, stress. This state often results in an imbalanced and asynchronous state of the brain.

Evolved Mind

The circular Evolved Mind is a higher state of consciousness reached with Self-Mastery. A progression of the Awakened Mind, this pattern appears when the ego surrenders to an open-hearted connection with the non-local field of the collective unconscious, universal mind.

Super Conscious Mind

The superconscious Gamma Synchrony pattern is a high-amplitude gamma (45-64Hz) over an Awakened Mind pattern. Gamma is associated with mystical union, spiritual ecstasy, out-of-body travel, lucid dreaming, high-level mental clarity and lucidity, super-learning, love, compassion, and spontaneous healing. Often seen in meditation masters, psychics, mediums, and healers.

What Are Brainwaves Frequencies?

Brainwaves are the representation of electrical activity produced by the brain. When a group of neurons sends a burst of electrical pulses to another group of neurons, it creates a wave-like pattern.

These waves are measured in speed cycles per second as Hertz (Hz) and in amplitude or the electrical signal intensity as microVolt (μV)

Brain Process Beta

Beta (14-38Hz)

The conscious mind of active external awareness: the intellect’s verbal, linear, and logical thought processes. List-making and decision-making.

High-frequency, high-amplitude beta indicates stress, anxiety and panic.

Meditation Alpha

Alpha (8-14Hz)

Relaxed, sensory awareness activates and is tangibly felt as the mind shifts from the external to the internal world. Daydreaming, reverie, visualization, imagination.

Alpha is the all-important frequency bridge that connects the conscious mind with its subconscious.

Planning Theta

Theta (4-8Hz)

The subconscious mind of long-term memory, dreaming, REM sleep, emotional healing, intuition, and spiritual insight.

Theta is the repository of one’s essential being, core self, psyche, or soul.

Critical Thinking Delta

Delta (0.5-4Hz)

Personal unconscious mind, the doorway to Universal Consciousness.

Deep, restorative, dreamless sleep; also animated by empathy.

Delta is a kind of instinctual radar that scans the environment

and psychically picks up information and energy.

Emotional Intelligence Gamma

Gamma (30-100Hz)

Superconscious awareness often activated by high-amplitude theta/delta.

Experienced as peace, transcendence, super-lucidity. Evoked by love and compassion.

Associated with mystical union, spiritual ecstasy, neurogenesis and neuroplasticity. 


How do we measure brainwaves?

The measurement of brainwaves is accomplished through the use of a scientific device known as an electroencephalogram (EEG). The EEG is utilized for detecting and measuring the electrical activity occurring in the human brain. By affixing small electrodes onto the scalp, the device gauges these impulses and uses this information to create a wavy line tracing that reflects the activity happening within the brain.


SELF MASTERY is an incredible path of personal transformation. It allows you to take full responsibility for your life, regain control of your thoughts, habits, and behaviors to shape your future in a positive way. By cultivating self-awareness and examining your thoughts, emotions, and reactions, you can develop the personal discipline needed to achieve your full potential. Aspiring to self-mastery offers an opportunity to pursue your dreams with intention and clarity, unlocking incredible growth in your personal and professional life. Start today and embark on the journey towards a fulfilling and powerful life!

With Self-Mastery, Your Future is LIMITLESS


  • Reconnect Mind & Body

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  • Healing & Intuition

    To become better at solving problems and being creative, people can focus on their inner selves. By understanding why they do things, people can be more aware of their actions. Reconnecting with their subconscious mind can lead to better mental health. Theta Healing is a powerful approach to tapping into one's innate abilities and breaking negative patterns.

  • Self Mastery

    Self-mastery means having control over your actions and feelings, which helps you achieve success. It allows you to make decisions on purpose and move forward towards your goals. When you have self-mastery, you can stay calm in any situation and focus on your priorities. By being disciplined and working consistently towards your goals, you can achieve the success you want.

Do You Need Additional Information?

I am sure I can help you so book your appointment to discuss together your needs and how this program can revolutionise your stress management practice.